Smārde bog
The Green (Smārdes) Bog is one of the bogs of Ķemeri National Park, covering 1586 hectares, most of which is high moss bog. In the middle of the last century, peat was extracted, the western edge of the bog was drained and the Smirdgrāve (Sulphur ditch) was dug and deepened, draining the bog into the Slocene river. However, hydrogen sulphide mineral waters were found to form underneath and peat extraction ceased in 1960. When peat extraction ceased, pumping of water from the peat pits also ceased, and the place of extration filled with water. Even though peat extraction has stopped, drainage systems continue to affect the water regime of the bog: the raised moss bog in the peat quarries is degraded and unable to regenerate on its own, overgrown with forest, and species characteristic of the bog such as sphagnum, cranberries and sundews are disappearing.
The bog is also home to cormorants, which make their nests in dead trees and create a rather peculiar landscape.
The route is navigable throughout the whole season. Day, evening and sunrise trips are possible.
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